Saturday, January 21, 2023

2023 Quest Calendar 5: Engineering

Starday, Nebulis 21/Sunsday, Nebulis 22

Today, I met the ship's engineer, SD-113, a robot. SD-113 acted (no doubt was programmed to act) frustrated that Captain Cayliss had sent me to aid him. I wonder if, in his programming, he has awareness that he is an actor playing a role, or if they programmed him to believe this is all real.

SD-113 was working to repair a terminal. He said that if the captain wished it, he would let me try to help, starting with the wiring. I looked at the wiring and had no idea what to do with any of it. I was hoping that, as part of the experience, there was no real right or wrong way to do it and that I would just get a pat on the back for getting it right no matter what I did.

Man, was I wrong about that! I put one wire in the wrong place and was shocked BAD. I imagine it's just supposed to be a mild buzz to let the person going through the experience know that they solved the puzzle incorrectly, but it just HURT so much. I can't imagine how much a kid going through this cruise thing would scream and cry if they got hit with that much pain. They really need to turn their settings down on that thing. I'll try to log a note to put it in the survey at the end of the cruise. I should probably also mention how painful the shots from those training bots were.

Anyway, after I failed the puzzle, SD-113 stepped in and solved it for me. Maybe he, too, realized that the setting was too high. Either way, once power was restored to the terminal, the screen requested a passcode and displayed a simple math equation.

Today I am Feeling: Honestly? A little
frustrated that I have now been hurt
twice on this experience that's supposed
to be a restful vacation
This is the sort of thing that breaks my immersion in the experience. No real ship would use a math problem as a pass code, too many people would be able to solve it. But I guess the experience does need to have some sort of minigames for its participants, and it has to be something that anyone could feasibly do, even if that does make it unrealistic.

Once I had access to the terminal through typing in the code, there was another
minigame activity to reprogram the console. I must have been in the zone from solving that math equation, because I was able to do this with ease even though programming isn't normally my thing. SD-113 acted both impressed and annoyed at how well I was able to accomplish this task. I have to hand it to his programmers, that combination of contrary emotions being displayed at the same time is hard for a lot of human...erm...sentient biological...actors to portray well, but he really pulled it off.

He assured me of his ability to do his job (and frustration that the captain was sending people like me to try to aid him) perfectly well without help, and he sent me on my way.


2023 Quest Calendar:

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