Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Book of Destiny...on Hold

So, my microphone died. It's been a good microphone. It's been with us for probably 7-8 years.

That said, I'm looking at getting a much higher quality microphone for the Book of Destiny podcast.

In wanting to do that, I sort of want to re-record what I have recorded so far for the podcast, so that it will come out higher quality.

If I do that, it'll set me back weeks of work.

On top of that, starting in January was a bit...overambitious of me to begin with.

So, what I'm saying is that the Book of Destiny is currently on hold and will return this summer.

I'm going to leave the first two chapters up as a preview, but will return to posting weekly sometime then.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Movie Review: Into the Spiderverse

Spiderman Images Copyright Marvel and Sony Pictures.
I'll admit that when I first saw the trailer for Into the Spiderverse, I was mostly disinterested. I thought the multiverse angle might be interesting, and I was glad to see a Miles Morales Spiderman instead of the repeated Peter Parkers. However, despite that there are other animated movies that I like, an animated super hero film didn't interest me a lot. Especially not after having spent so many years watching the live-action ones. Additionally, seeing yet another Spiderman reboot sounded exhausting to me.

But I do love a good multiverse story, so between that aspect of it, many positive reviews from friends, and an unexpected free day, I decided to check it out. I was not disappointed.
Scott Pilgrim image copyright Universal Pictures

Comic Book Movie

The movie *really* felt like a comic book. They did a good job with