The team is goes to a party in hopes of acquiring something for Tyosa
Session Date (Real Life): 01/02/2021
Begin (Game Date): 10/13/520 05:00
End (Game Date): 10/17/520 22:00
Player Level: 2
Total XP: 3
Previous Adventure: Last Legend 6: Tsava Day Adventure
Next Adventure: Last Legend 8: The League of Arcanists
At the bottom of this post is a list of characters and groups that you can reference in this post for keeping track of who people are.
Last Legend is a fantasy tabletop RPG campaign using the Open Legend RPG system. For more information on the setting of Last Legend, check the background post here: Legend Overview.html
The team returns to Datdūm, where they delivered the books they retrieved in Last Legend 5: The Pinnacle Library to Dyab', the bookseller. Using the largest volume the team had obtained, Dyab' was able to verify that the family of Tyosa Doska was, in fact, one of the ten original noble families.
Dyab' informed the group that something which would be helpful, if Tyosa was hoping to stake any sort of claim with this information, would be a signet ring. He told the group that they could, of course, forge a new signet ring based on the symbols in the old books. However, new craftsmanship can't match that of the old signet rings which were made of a special sort of metal that is difficult to find these days. Dyab' explains that he knows Imew, an eccentric Mibsatsian inventor, collects old signet rings and is hosting a party soon. He offers to get the party tickets in exchange for more of the books that they found.
The Aanso, Balthazar, and Tyosa Doska go to Imew's party. The entire staff of the party appeared to be made of clockwork people, mechanical creations that have their own sense of will. While there, they run into Bifsho, a captain in the merchant fleet owned by Tyosa's parents. Bifsho is surprised to see Tyosa alive, having heard from reliable sources that he had died in a shipwreck. Tyosa ensured Bifsho that he was, in fact, still alive. He found that Bifsho, and his parents, had some trade dealings with Imew. Tyosa asked Bifsho for an introduction.
Bifsho introduced Tyosa, Aanso, and Balthazar to Imew, who had just been winning a game in a tournament of a card game called Towers and Killers. The group explained to Imew that they were looking for a signet ring of the Doska family. Imew was hesitant to help them, but Tysoa used his supernatural influence abilities to place Imew under a charmed effect, making him more willing to help the group.
Imew had the card tournament put on hold. Then, he, and his assistant Vebdi, led the party into the basement of his mansion. Here they found a massive sprawling lab, guarded by more of the clockwork people. Imew led the group through the lab to show them where he was working on creating an arcanium being-a humanoid entity like the clockwork people, but empowered by an arcane crystal.
He explained that the original signet rings were made of a specific material that is difficult to find, but that helps in conducting arcane energy for his experiments. Imew left the group to wait under the supervision of the clockwork guards while he and Vebdi went in search of the specific ring that the group is looking for.
While this Imew was gone, the group saw a red haired woman sneaking through the lab. Before they could chase her down or confront her, they were attacked by crystalline entities like those that had been at the Mūsūyyan Arcanification Celebration. The group and two of Imew's clockwork guards fought the crystal creatures. One of the clockwork guards fell before the group was successful against these foes.
Imew was surprised about the broken clockwork person (and there was no evidence of the crystalline monsters as they faded to dust when they were defeated), but Tyosa's charm remained in place and kept Imew's attitude positive towards the group. Imew gave them the Doska family signet ring.
Tyosa asked if there was anything the group could do for Imew in exchange for the ring, and he said he would consider possible ways in which the group might be helpful.
Player Characters:
- Aanso-A time mage trying to prevent a terrible future
- Balthazar-An elementalist from Sniya, and a member of the League of Arcanists
- Tyosa Doska-The son of a family of merchant princes from Hifdi
- Dyab'-Owner of Last Page Books in Datdūm
- Bifsho-A merchant captain in service to the Doska family
- Imew-an eccentric Mibsatsian inventor
- Vebdi-Imew's assistant
- ???-The intruder in Imew's lab
Last Legend Pages:
- Last Legend Glossary
- Last Legend Setting/Pre-Campaign Overview
- Last Legend 1: Arcanification Celebration
- Last Legend 2: Crystal Caverns
- Last Legend 3: Robots and Tunnels
- Last Legend 4: Abominations and Books
- Last Legend 5: The Pinnacle Library
- Last Legend 6: Tsava Day Adventure
- Last Legend 7: The Inventor
- Last Legend 8: The League of Arcanists
- Last Legend 9: Bellum Speaks
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