Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Last Legend 4: Abominations and Books

The crew fights an abomination and continues on their way

Session Date (Real Life): 11/21/2020
Begin (Game Date): 10/11/520 19:00
End (Game Date): 10/12/520 15:00
Player Level: 1
Total XP: 1

At the bottom of this post is a list of characters and groups that you can reference in this post for keeping track of who people are.

Last Legend is a fantasy tabletop RPG campaign using the Open Legend RPG system. For more information on the setting of Last Legend, check the background post here: Legend Overview.html

Kesua and Tyosa Doska, who had let the rest of the group enter the tunnels without them, mysteriously and magically appeared alongside the rest of the group. The crystal on the Dochysh Jeq lit up when this occurred.

The team fought off and destroyed the Abomination that had laid in wait for them at the end ofLast Legend 3: Robots and Tunnels. Continuing through the tunnels, the team caught up with B’ui, who was taking a Mysterious Box upon a pedestal. Kesua shot the box from B'ui's hand, and he disappeared into the shadows.

Examining the box, the group found that it takes a very specific key, and that failing to open it properly will result in the destruction of the box and its contents. Kesua put the mysterious box into her extradimensional pocket space.

The next day, the group went into the town of Datdūm in search of the contact indicated from Tyosa's Ubna Letter, Dyab’. The owner of the Thief and Wain informed the crew that Dyab' ran a small bookstore in town, Last Page Books. Going to the bookshop, Tyosa asked Dyab' if he had any knowledge of Tyosa's family (the Doska family). Dyab' claimed to have a book that referenced the Doskas as one of the ten original noble families of Tsud'uula, but that the book is not verified. Dyab' claimed that a book that could verify this claim could be found in the Pinnacle Library, a ruined and monster-infested place.

Tyosa asked to purchase the book that Dyab' had about his family, but the price was very hefty. Dyab' gave the group a list of other books to be found in the library, saying that if they could bring back at least two of these books he would be willing to trade the one he already had.

The group set off to find the library. Once inside, Balthazar sent ahead a fire elemental to light the candlesticks throughout the facility. However, the summon was killed by a Broadhead robot, accompanied by two Watchers. The group ran into combat with these vicious foes.

Player Characters:

  • Aanso-A time mage trying to prevent a terrible future
  • Arthur Grant-A machinist from Kstivan looking for someone from his past
  • Balthazar-An elementalist from Sniya, and a member of the League of Arcanists
  • Kesua-A mysterious figure, capable of moving through the shadows
  • Tyosa Doska-The son of a family of merchant princes from Hifdi

Non-Player Characters:

  • B'ui-An agent of the Company of Midnight
  • Dyab'-Owner of Last Page Books in Datdūm

Last Legend Pages:

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