Truceday, Winterwary 18
My head pounded as I awoke. I decided it was best to first assess my surroundings. I appeared to be in a plains landscape. Nearby, a worn down road stretched out farther than I could see in both directions. I had no memory of this place or how I came to be there.
"Hmm..." I wondered. "What are the odds of that?"
I made my way to the road and considered which way to turn: to the left or to the right. I found a coin in a pouch at my side and decided
to flip it to determine my path. Heads I would go left, and tails I would go right. The back side of the coin landed facing up in my palm, so I turned towards the right and began on my way.
It wasn't long before another traveler came upon me as I walked. I wondered if I had set my pace too slow, but I was still trying to assess my bearings.
The traveler introduced himself as "Seth" and spoke of going to a city called Greycliff for a Festival and Tournament of Lords. Neither the name of the festival nor the name of the tournament seemed to trigger anything in my memory. Seth said he thought I could do well in the tournament. Was this why I had come here? I could not recall.
After introducing himself, Seth asked about me.
It was only at this point that I realized I had no idea who I was nor who I am. I had no memory of the time before waking up alongside the road. What had happened to bring me here? What would happen moving forward?
At a loss for other answers, I told Seth he could call me Tychon. I do not know where the name came from or if it truly was my own, but it felt right nonetheless. I decided that I would go with him to Greycliff. Perhaps I would even enter into this tournament. This was the only lead I had on who I was, so it seemed to have the best odds of proving beneficial.
Next Adventure: https://goalworlds.blogspot.com/2022/01/Quest-Calendar-2022-01-19.html
What is this?
I am currently playing through the
2022 Quest Calendar by
Sundial Games. This calendar takes the form of a page-a-day style calendar where each day a story progresses over the course of the year. Rather than using one of the premade characters put together by the game makers, I decided to use their Custom Heroes rules to create Tychon, a character with fate/luck/chance based magical abilities. He is largely inspired by the character of
Luxord from the
Kingdom Hearts series. (While he isn't much like Luxord right now, I expect he may evolve more that way as the game continues.)
By chronicling Tychon's thoughts on each day's happenings, I am able to better connect with the character and the roleplay aspect of the game than if I were just reading the pages and rolling the dice. So, this series of blog posts, if I can keep up with them, is largely for my benefit more than anything else.
You may be asking: "If this is a page-a-day calendar, why is the first post on January 18th?"
The first several days of the adventure book were something of a tutorial/prologue for the adventure as a whole. They took place with a premade character designed to show off the elements of the game. Since Tychon doesn't know about what happened in those events, it doesn't make sense for my chronicle to include them.
Also of note, the page-a-day calendar only has one page each weekend, in a similar fashion to other page-a-day calendars.
Depending on how things go, I may try to chronicle most every day, or I may do chronicles that cover multiple days at a time. I know I have a vacation coming up next week, so my ability to chronicle may be limited then.
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