Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 120: A Wolf Among the Trees

Mara Quirke receives a choice from the Elpida: stay and look after the people of Kleidi without any external support, or go with the ship and remain safe from whatever dangers might befall Kleidi while it is away. Discovering a sinister foe with terrible plans helps Mara to make her choice.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage



  1. Brandon wants me to say, "I'm surprised they came to a conclusion so quickly about what to do with the dragon egg!" 😉

    1. I mean, to be fair, their conclusion was "Let's go talk to someone else about it." Which, strictly speaking, isn't much of a conclusion.
