Friday, April 28, 2017

Episode 107: "Welcome Home"

Image by Scott Purdy
The team of the Toybox discover more about Alal's past and take a visit to the Cave of Shadows.

What follows is an account of the events during a session of my Toybox Campaign. This summary is written out in a prose format which may, for the sake of telling a story to a wider audience, take liberties with the events.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Value of Fiction: Imagination

I was reminded recently that I haven't posted again in my "Value of Fiction" series. I haven't forgotten about the series, I've just had other stuff to post when I've been posting.

But I figured now was a good time to get back to it.

In case you missed the first post, you can check it out here: Value of Fiction: Entertainment

To talk about the series, it started based on the idea that I often feel like my creative pursuits don't have value. Because of this, I decided to think about different ways in which they are valuable.

Today, I'll be looking at the value of Imagination.

When you experience a story, be it through reading or through playing a tabletop game,

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Episode 106: "Morals and Time Continuum Should not have to Cross"

The team of the Toybox venture into the mysterious Morio tower to finally meet the enigmatic Mr. F. However, when no one greats them at their arrival, they find that all may not be as it seems. Their quest will bring them answers and knowledge of a past that brought them here, and a future that has already occurred...

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Gamemastering Update

With the release of the first Heroism and Other Lies Book, Episode 101: Pilot, I've been posting more about the author side of things lately. However, I've had a lot going on in the Gamemaster side of things, so I wanted to share some of what I've been doing.

Toybox Campaign

If you've been reading the Toybox episodes, then