Friday, May 29, 2020

Electric Bastionland: Quest for the Nine Piece Suit Part 3: The Sash

Cover Image property of Bastionland Press LTD
My regular group has been playing Electric Bastionland. For more information about Bastionland and our current campaign, check out the other posts in this series:
Or check out the blog of Bastionland's creator, here.

Based on the response to the last post of this series, I've decided to keep this one strictly to the adventure my players went through, rather that putting out all my planning. If you're interested in a post with my planning for this part, let me know in the comments below.

I will, however, give a map of part of the adventure later on when that becomes relevant.

My Player Characters:

  1. Zastra, a failed practising chemist. He has

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 121: Painful Conversations

Rinus Wyman seeks Zhou's forgiveness, but he may be given an opportunity for redemption from another unexpected and dangerous source. Theron's search for the box continues with violence as a primary tool of the trade.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Book of Destiny Character Profile: Seth Xun

Image created with Heromachine 3
As of the start of the Book of Destiny

Gender: Male
Homeworld: Unvelin

Seth Xun grew up on the inner circle world of Unvelin. Unvelin was a violent and competitive world, and these things were instilled in Seth from a young age. Seth was naturally physically gifted, and he excelled as a fighter. When Unvelin found its place in the multiverse, Seth ended up being volunteered to serve in some of the wars on Petharchia. 

Still, physical prowess wasn't enough for Seth. His harsh and competitive nature pushed him to seek out greater power, and this search led him down the paths of the Vault. Learning the Essence manipulation techniques of the Temple of Truth, Seth learned to access the vault and the powers within.

This still failed to sake Seth's desire for power. His drive pushed him to keep looking, and in doing so he found 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 120: A Wolf Among the Trees

Mara Quirke receives a choice from the Elpida: stay and look after the people of Kleidi without any external support, or go with the ship and remain safe from whatever dangers might befall Kleidi while it is away. Discovering a sinister foe with terrible plans helps Mara to make her choice.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 119: Changing Plans, Changing Destinies

High Priest Desmond Tindall calls together another meeting based on Zhou's questioning. This meeting, with the whole of the priesthood on the Elpida, is held to discuss the new threat facing the worlds and what the Elpida's role is in dealing with it.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 118: Interrogation

Zhou submits to questioning by an agent of the Unification Authority. She knows that if she reveals what was in the package she delivered to the wolves, serious life altering consequences will follow.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage


Friday, May 15, 2020

Electric Bastionland: Quest for the Nine Piece Suit Part 2: The Collar

Last weekend (May 9th, 2020), my regular group met (online, cause COVID) to play the second session of our Electric Bastionland campaign, “The Quest for the Nine Piece Suit.” This campaign is inspired by the framework provided in the Electric Bastionland corebook on page 321, or in a blog post by the creator of the game which can be found here:

Other adventures in this series: 

My Player Characters

  • Zastra, a failed practising chemist.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 117: Citizens of Nowhere

High Priest Desmond Tindall calls together a meeting to determine the future of Itzal and Seda Zabala, and of the smuggler Zhou Jin. Penuel fights for Itzal and Seda's well being, but will his arguments be heeded?

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Book of Destiny World Guide: Innleet

As of the Start of the Book of Destiny.
World Status: Sparkling Band

Innleet is one of the twelve large worlds that makes up the Sparkling Band. Unlike some of the worlds, which took or still take a longer time adjusting to their places in the multiverse, Innleet quickly embraced the nature of the many shattered worlds as soon as they discovered them and were able to travel between them.

Innleet is made up of a series of nations, primarily democratically elected. The leaders of these nations meet at least once a year in a council to discuss

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 116: Chosen

Knight Commander Casimir Lecuyer, shaken up from his encounter in the secret tunnels below Vera City, returns to the ruins beyond the city. He seeks answers, but he finds powerful monsters and other entities greater than himself.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage

World: Navtyi


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 115: Investigative Weaving

Isabel Utkin, an investigative weaver, gets a good look at the essence that makes up the monster previously killed by Knight Commander Casimir Lecuyer and his hand of knights. As she delves into the truth of the monster and the situation surrounding it, the grasp of a conspiracy begins to wrap itself around her.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage

World: Navtyi


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book of Destiny Character Profile: Isabel Utkin

Image created with Heromachine 3
As of the start of the Book of Destiny

Gender: Female
Homeworld: Navtyi

From a very young age, Isabel Utkin had an excellent sense of the Essence. She was fast tracked through an academic program focused on Essence Weaving and Essence Analysis.

When she turned twenty, Isabel became sick. She developed a chronic disorder which

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Book of Destiny Episode 114: The Assassin

Mara Quirke discovers a secret tunnel system running under Kleidi. As she explores the secrets of the ancients, she comes face to face with the infamous bounty hunter/assassin Theron Spiros.

Listen or download from here, or listen on to the podcast version which can be found on any major podcast service by searching "Books of the Universe." If you have any trouble finding it, let me know what service you use and I will try to help.

Books of the Universe Homepage

World: Kleidi


Monday, May 4, 2020

Book of Destiny World Guide: Kleidi

As of the Start of the Book of Destiny.
World Status: Inner Circle

Kleidi is a small and fairly standard Inner Circle world. There is only one settlement within the world, a village, although the worlds' citizens have homes and farms spread across the whole surface of Kleidi.

Kleidi's construction utilizes a combination of cloth/leather tents and wooden huts for their structures.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Electric Bastionland: Quest for the Nine Piece Suit Part 1: The Shirt

Cover Image property of Bastionland Press LTD
This past weekend (April 25th, 2020), I began running a game of Electric Bastionland. Of course, given the current Covid-19 situation, we played over Discord rather than in person, but I think it worked out pretty well.

In this post, I will go over a little bit about what Electric Bastionland is, for those who aren't familiar with it; the outline I had of the first adventure of our campaign (the Quest for the Nine Piece Suit); and what actually happened in running the adventure.

Other adventures in this series: 

What is Electric Bastionland?

"Bastion/The electric hub of mankind/everything is here."

Electric Bastionland is a Tabletop Roleplaying game, in which the players take on characters in the story who must seek out treasure in order to