Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Book of Destiny World Guide: Navtyi

The Symbol of the Knights of Selas
As of the start of the Book of Destiny.
World Status: Sparkling Band
Navtyi is a world that is, on paper, ruled by nobility. There are ten monarchs that rule varying portions of the land, and there are many more noble families of lower ranks. The people of Navtyi look up to the royalty and, when given the opportunity, usually serve them without question. However, the nobles of Navtyi are often more concerned with their own business than with actually ruling the world.

Through a series of plots including marriages, assassinations, and backroom deals, the hierarchy of the nobles and the borders of the lands ruled by the different monarchs are

in constant motion. This is what the nobles concern themselves: trying to jocky for rank and for territory to hold under their command. The people of Navtyi often try to follow the varying affairs of the royalty for their own entertainment; much the same way that other peoples might appreciate sporting events or dramas.

Due to the constantly shifting borders, maintaining any semblance of normalcy for the non-nobles required the creation of impartial organizations. In order to keep order in Navtyi, the Knights of Selas was created by an agreement across the varying noble nations. The Knights of Selas act as a law enforcement organization in Navtyi, with no fragmentation from the division of nations.

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Notable Cities:

  • Vera City

Notable Citizens:

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