Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Book of Destiny World Guide: Jixie

As of the start of the Book of Destiny.
World Status: Sparkling Band
Commonly referred to as "the world of bridges," Jixie is a large world that has a surface primarily made of ocean. Numerous islands of various sizes do the surface of this Sparkling Band world. Many groupings of islands that are close together are linked together by bridges, thus the common name of the world.

Jixie is ruled by a
group of merchant-princes. This tradition dates back as far as anyone can remember on Jixie, with the various collections of islands each having their own specialized resources or produced goods that are traded with the other collections of islands. 

Jixie was one of the first worlds to become aware of the greater multiverse outside its boarders, and one of the first to safely master void ship technology. As it became a major player in interworld relations, Jixie continued to focus on what it excelled at: trade.

Now, Jixie represents one of the largest interworld mercantile forces known to people of the Sparkling Band and other awakened worlds. This is useful to those who benefit from the trade of useful and entertaining goods. However, many Jixie merchants also use their skills and trade infrastructure to transport black market or illegal goods including drugs and weapons across world borders.

Books of the Universe Homepage

Notable Citizens:
Desmond Tindall

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