Thursday, March 26, 2020

Book of Destiny Background: Threats of the Multiverse

Disclaimer: The following information will be established within the story of the Book of Destiny. It won't be established right away, but it's not a secret either. This preview post (and several others) are for people who want to know more and have more context before the story begins.

The people of the multiverse face many different threats. Some of them are normal threats that you’d be familiar with. Piracy, murderers, gangs, resource limitations, ans so on. Others, like monster attacks, may be more specific to the multiverse.

Here are some of the ones that might be good to be aware of in The Book of Destiny.

“Tell me, have you ever seen a true Shattering?”-Adriana, wolf

No one knows who runs the organization known as “the wolves” or where they come from. What is known is that the wolves are destroyers of worlds. They find worlds that are in fragile states and increase the chaos to tip them over the edge. For especially fragile worlds, the wolves carry devices that rip through the essence, causing the world to shatter. For somewhat more stable worlds, the wolves will often go undercover and sow discord between residents so that the people of the world create their own chaos. This will extend until the world rips itself apart.

It is unknown why the wolves are destroying worlds, only that they seem determined to continue doing so.

Listing dragons as a threat to the multiverse is somewhat misleading, as no one has seen them since before the Calamity. At least, no one has seen them and lived to talk about it.

That which is known about dragons is only known through legends that have been passed down through generations, or that have been interpreted from objects found in the ruins of the ancients. If the legends are to be believed, dragons are massive beings of unimaginable power. They waged a war against humanity, although it was less of a war and more of an extermination. Humanity was ill-equipped to deal with the dragon threat, and was almost wiped out altogether by dragons. Special weapons were developed in order to stop dragonkind. According to legends, it was one of these weapons that caused the Calamity.

Manifested Void
“The world of humanity is so much more fragile than humans know.”-Manifested Void

The void is ever present between the worlds of the multiverse. It is the nothingness that keeps the worlds separated and fills in the cracks. Sometimes, however, the essence of individual worlds rips open, and the void comes in through the rift. The result of the rift mixing with the solid reality results in a manifestation of the void that can move, ‘think’, and act.

Once in the world, the void can move about at will. It can flit between shadow and shadow. It is mentally linked to its manifestations in all other worlds. It can kill at a touch. But, for all its powers, there are rules that it must follow. The void is pure nonexistence, and existence itself imposes limits upon this.

Healing the rifts and rips in the world that allowed the Void to manifest is the only way of getting rid of manifested void. However, this is something that no one knows how to do. 

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