Thursday, March 26, 2020

Book of Destiny Background: Worlds of the Multiverse

Disclaimer: The following information will be established within the story of the Book of Destiny. It won't be established right away, but it's not a secret either. This preview post (and several to follow) is (are) for people who want to know more and have more context before the story begins.

There is not one world. There are many. Countless. Some think maybe even infinite.
It wasn't always this way before. The worlds were once unified together as a single dimension. Current civilizations have differing philosophies about what happened to cause the change, but all are in agreement that a horrible calamity struck the world, shattering it apart into an uncountable number of pieces.

The Space Between
Today, there is void space between worlds--traversable only by void ships, miniature worlds unto themselves. The void is uncomfortable, lonely, and devoid of all life. There is no way to exist in it.

At the center of charted void space is the remnant of the Calamity. It is a swirling mass of bright colored chaos energy that rips apart any world, void ship, or other object that drifts too close to it.

The Inner Circle
Worlds closest to the Calamity are small and fragile. They have small populations, ranging from three to fifty people. There are often visible signs of disorder or calamity across their skies and landscapes. The slightest increase in chaos within these worlds can cause them to shatter apart, bringing them into the void and eliminating all of their inhabitants.

The further away from the Calamity that one gets within the Inner Circle, the larger and more stable the worlds become (in general.) The more stable a world is, the more chaos it can take before being torn apart.

People from the Inner Circle worlds, especially those nearer to the Calamity, are marked with colored lines across their skin. These skinlines can grow darker or lighter, and can sometimes even glow faintly, depending on world, person, and circumstances. The designs and amount of skinlines varies from person to person.

Most inner circle worlds are unaware that there are multiple worlds. Most believe that their small existences are all that there are to the universe.

The Sparkling Band
A collection of twelve worlds, a certain distance away from the Calamity, make up the border of the Inner Circle. These worlds are known as the Sparkling Band worlds, and are now all aware of their places within the multiverse.

Sparkling Band worlds are the largest and most stable worlds within the multiverse. They range in size up to the size of the world you, my audience member, know as Earth. These worlds usually have many cities and several nations, but that is not always the case. Some are more unified. Some have become more unified in light of their place in the multiverse.

An agency based out of the Sparkling Band world of Innleet, called the Unification Authority, works to ensure interdimensional peace and safety between worlds and acts as something of a multidimensional police force.

The Outer Circle
Moving further out from the Sparkling Band would bring you to the worlds of the Outer Circle. Like the Inner Circle worlds, these worlds become smaller and more fragile the further one gets from the Calamity and the Sparkling Band. Interdimsnional Explorers of the Outer Circle have found worlds as far out as anyone has traveled into it. Some theorize that there may be an infinite number stretching outwards forever. Others claim that unless the initial world was infinite, this cannot be the case.

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