Thursday, September 24, 2020

Book of Destiny Character Profile: The Everlasting Empress


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As of the start of the Book of Destiny

Gender: Female

Homeworld: The Charred Land*

The ruler of the Charred Land is almost as mysterious as the land that she leads. The implication of her name is that she is immortal, which is a claim that no one has been thus far able to disprove. Her longstanding policy of isolation means that most people never see her twice, which leads to an inability to verify if her identity is or isn't changing.

If she truly is immortal,

it is believed that she was alive prior to the Calamity, and that she possibly played a role in humanity's conflict against the dragons. No one knows, remembers, or has records of how it is that the Everlasting Empress came to be in charge of the Charred Land, but she has been a lasting icon going back as far as the Sparkling Bands beginning to meet one another.

The right side of her face bears harsh looking scars of unknown origin. She wears a blindfold over her eyes, but no one knows if she is actually blind or not. She seems to be aware of visual occurrences despite her eyes being covered. It is said that she can move with great speed without anyone ever seeing her move.

The servants of the Charred Land seem completely loyal to the Everlasting Empress.

Books of the Universe Homepage


*If she truly was alive before the Calamity, then the Everlasting Empress's homeworld would not actually be the Charred Land, but would instead be the unified world that existed before. 

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