Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Book of Destiny Character Profile: Lord Anthony Thompson

Image made with HeroMachine 3
As of the start of the Book of Destiny.

Gender: Male

Born the son of two noble families, the family of Anthony's mother had the much more recognizable name. The Marrax family was well known, but also had a reputation for dark magic and treachery.

Growing up, Anthony's mother often pitted her children against one another, and he frequently competed in tests and trials against his siblings. Sometimes, these resulted in the deaths of the siblings involved.

At the age of twelve, Anthony was sent to train in the art of swordmastery under the tutelage of the noble Lord Dacre. A few years after Anthony started his training, Dacre attempted a coup against the king of Tarnicia, and was exiled in result. This cut Anthony's training short, but freed him from the tower where he was being kept.

With newfound freedom, Anthony Thompson explored Tarnicia anew, but he found that tragedy seemed to follow wherever he went. This led him to attempt to isolate himself, but such things cannot last. His family found him and tried to pull him back into their conspiracies. He discovered dark and dangerous things going on in Tarnicia and in the magical weave that flowed through it and connected it to other worlds. In order to stop his mother's plans, he ended up killing her and those of his siblings that remained.

For better or worse, this left Lord Anthony Thompson as the last of the Marrax family.

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